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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 07/09/2011.
So who is this new conductor guy?
10 August 2011

  It occurred to me that while some members of the choir know a bit about me and my background, many will probably only know me as that tenor with the loud voice who knows some silly warm-ups.  I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself.

I am employed by the Highland Council as a member of Norman Bolton's Kodaly team (which is not a secret military squad of elite assassins, despite the name), a job which sends me round numerous primary schools in the region teaching musicianship through singing.  Or to put it another way, I sing songs and play games with kids for a living!

I grew up in Perth (mostly) where I could be found at my local children's choir, The Fair City Singers, and many of the orchestras and theatre groups in the area.  When I left school I worked in an accountants office not having realised that music could be more than a very rewarding hobby.  Whilst there my Latin teacher from school found me and asked why I had not joined the National Youth Choir of Scotland and presented me with a mostly filled-in application form.  I duly applied (you always do what Mr. Scott says) and was given a place on the course... as a bass!

It was my experience with NYCoS that nurtured my love of choral music and, inspired by the many brilliant musicians around me, convinced me that music could be more than the hobby I had treated it as.  After a short college course in Edinburgh to re-acquaint myself with education I studied Music at Glasgow University where I was a choral scholar with the Glasgow University Chapel Choir.  While in Glasgow I also joined the RSNO Chorus which gave me the satisfaction of performing major works with a professional orchestra (something I would encourage anyone to do should they get the chance).

Upon graduating I was fortunate enough not only to find an amazing job but to have it situated in such a beautiful region.  The decision to up sticks and move to Avoch was a very easy one and one I have had no cause to regret.  I very quickly found my feet becoming a member of Dingwall Choral and various other musical groups in the area.  As well as being the new conductor of Dingwall Choral I conduct the Invergordon Singers and am on the music staff of the NYCoS Inverness area choir and the Highland Youth Choir.

I moved to Dingwall two years ago with my beautiful wife (who is also in the Choral) Mary-Anne, who I married last year.  We hope to stay here for a long time to come yet.


...So you are stuck with me!


Should you be so inclined you can follow me on Twitter @highlandmaestro

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