SpanglefishDingwall & District Choral Society | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 07/09/2011.
18 March 2012

I realise that is has been some time since I last added a news story and for that, I apologise.  This isn't to say that nothing has been happening; quite the opposite!


I am really pleased with how the rehearsals are going and I am very much looking forward to what I think will be a fabulous concert.  The addition of Parry and Whitacre to our repertoire excites me greatly and will round out our programme perfectly.

Plans for the visit of the American Choir, Showtime Productions, are in place and I hope that lots of people will come along for an informal get together and sing song on the 12th of April.

In other news, the committee is currently discussing the idea of having choir folders (rather than black A4 Binders).  Possibly even with a choir logo emblazoned on them!  If you have any thoughts on this or even want to have a go at designing a logo, get in touch!

WikanikoWork from Home
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